Monday, October 7, 2013

Kingdom Health = Happy Life

Pic of Healthy Happy Couple
I hope you let me indulge for these few posts on my more personal vision and life experience.  Posts have, up to this point, been almost entirely on Kingdom Business principles.  But I can't pass by this opportunity to share a personal secret that has given me excellent health.  I just performed a wedding last weekend and at the reception I shared how I was going to have my 71st birthday next month.  Several at the table were amazed that I looked so fit and not near what a 71 year old should look like. One actually guessed my age in the mid 50's.   I don't believe we can fulfill our kingdom destiny if our bodies are weak, sickly, overweight, tired and abused by poor choices. I know some of my good ministry friends and associates have died before their time because of such poor choices.  So I am proceeding to give my secrets of how I maintain my health and energy.  I apologize if this sounds vain and self exulting... it is definitely not intended to do so.  But I will gladly share because I believe it just might help someone fulfill their destiny. First I was raised on a farm for my first 18 years and breathed dirt, had my fingers and hands in the dirt and I believe started my life by absorbing a lot of minerals under my fingernails, into my lungs and body.  Farming is definitely God's best way to begin life.  City folks can duplicate this with gardening.  Second, I work out 30 minutes three times a week with resistance exercise at a local gym.  Resistance exercise has removed all my arthritic aliments because it stretches and lubricates joints.  I make sure my core (stomach) muscles are always in good shape, because that core maintains my spine and all my internal organ alignment.  One of the most powerful aspects of maintaining my good I do not take any prescriptions, is my morning drink.  I cannot emphasize this enough.  It is a company called I don't sell for them or help them market...but I do bring them a lot of business because of my personal testimony. People simply ask me my secret. Their "Superfood" is a organic green drink that has 19 ingredients & the highest rating among health experts.  It tastes terrible!  This powder can make you puck!  So I mix mine each morning with apple juice, 1/2 banana and a cup of blueberries.  Blueberries also have been proven to help maintain a healthy brain.  It looks green, which we are not used to, but absolutely will do several things.  Being totally alkaline it kills all cancer cells.  It absolutely loves my gut!  Having traveled most of my life in evangelism I had developed a good case of constant constipation.  But this has totally solved it. No more, praise God!  It has cleansed my intestinal walls of all fecal materials, and my bowls movements are something to behold.  Don't you love this?  Well, anyway, I told you I would tell you my story.  I have now been on this daily drink for 6 years and my hair continues to thicken, my nails have no white spots and my skin looks young.  Take it for what it is worth.... It is amazing.  It's health from the inside out!  Do I eat perfect...absolutely not.  Yes some sugars, some meat products, etc.  But because I begin my day with this powerful drink it gives me some liberties. I maintain a healthy weight because my body is fully satisfied with every nutrient required for the day.  So now I can eat for a little pleasure...ha!

And most of all, I maintain deep inner peace.  Paul calls it, "The peace that passes understanding and guards our heart and minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6.  Since most health problems at my age deal with a healthy heart, mine is kept in perfect peace.  You see, God originally created man, in Genesis, to regenerate both his heart and brain forever.  2011 was my year of learning to "Rest" by living in God's amazing love and grace.  Many heart problems come from condemnation, and Jesus can TOTALLY remove that.  Well, thanks for letting me self-indulge a bit.  Perhaps God can use it to encourage you to better health.  Here's to your health!

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