Sunday, November 5, 2017

Living Under Divine Protection - Spiritual Warfare Series

The best protection against Satan is to know who you are in Christ.  Our identity helps us create a mindset that protects us. The righteousness of Christ allows us to stand firm as we are found "in Him".  The power of the blood of Jesus actually becomes the battle cry during the tribulation period.  They overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death."  Rev. 12:11 How to you kill a dead man.  We are crucified with Christ already and the life which we now live we live by the faith in the Son of God who loved and and gave Himself for us.  Satan is legally defeated already by the blood of Jesus so we are just applying victory that already won!  How can we loose?  The resurrection power of Christ has already seated us in heavenly places "above all principalities and powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world."  Eph. 6.  Man it is so fun to teach on this subject because we already know who has won!  Don't be afraid, intimidated, condemned, accused or diminished by Satan.  He is a defeated foe and he already knows it.  Just "stand fast" in the liberty wherein Christ has made us free.  For more teaching on "Spiritual Warfare" go to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

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