Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump - God's Trumpet, God's Trump Card

God gave me a word in 2012 at the Starbucks on Highway 54 in Land O Lakes, that the anointing and voice of moral courage and national revival was leaving the church and going to the Kingdom Business community.  We have seen that shift through businessmen and businesses like Chick Fillet, Hobby Lobby, Domino's Pizza, etc.  These have been the men that have stepped up to speak out about the moral crisis of our land and willing to put their businesses on the line. Now the ultimate business man has been ordained by God as a hammer on the evil establishment of business, government, religion and anything else that God exposes to him.  Our president elect has put himself on the line against a huge establishment of media, new world order, wall street, corrupt government leaders and anything else that opposes him.  Billions was spent to keep Donald Trump out of office, but all was flushed down the toilet.  Why has Donald Trump prevailed?  Because God has appointed him as a Cyrus, a Nebuchadnezzar.  These were not perfect men.  They were appointed by God men.  Many in the church are missing the discernment to see who Donald Trump is and his place in history.  They only see that he does not fit in their little box of holiness and christian compliance.  President elect Trump will possibly appoint up to 5 supreme court justices during his tenure.  He will provide borders for America that have broken down. He will restore the IRS support of Christian 501c3 organizations and help restore religious liberty in America particularly for Christians. He will bring to account trade agreements that have stolen billions if not trillions of dollars from our nation.  He will appoint a cabinet that will establish America's greatness in the world again.  Why is all this happening? America will again play a key part of FINISHING THE WORLD HARVEST!  This is the center of God's end-time plan.  I have said it over and over again, that the only thing that will really matters at the coming of Christ is the only sign that Jesus talked about.... Matthew 24:14 "When this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world unto all nations (dialects), then will the end come."  America, more than any other nation, has helped spread the gospel to the world.  That is the seed of greatness that God is restoring to America through President elect Donald Trump.  To complete the harvest, it will take money, and our dollar will be preserved through a strong economy.

The plans of the enemy have been exposed, upset, and fear has entered into the hearts of all those who see God raising up Trump.  They see that the more they come against Trump, the more it promotes Trump.  Soros and his evil imps of darkness are making one last play by filling the streets with protesters.  They will not stop trying to bring down what God has raised up, but they will not prevail. Why?  Because God's people have now awakened and are praying!  Prayer works with the altar of incense in heaven.  Will you join the army of God for this great end-time harvest.  Action Evangelism and Kingdom Life University have been preparing for this earthly invasion of the gospel to the nations for over 50 years.  Our new "Smart Phone" missionary program can take every smart phone you donate to an unreached village as a missionary.  

Newt Gingrich recently said it in an interview on Fox News and most people missed it.  He said, "Donald Trump is the only recent president that has not gone through in 'initiation rights' of the illuminati."  Let's pray that Donald stays clear of the new world order and fulfills his appointment by God for our nation.



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