Sunday, October 30, 2016

Daniel 2 - God Reveals Secrets

Do you have prophetic dreams? Are you asking God for the interpretations? Nebuchadnezzar had a dream.  He became so troubled by it he could not sleep.  He called in the wise men, the soothsayers, astrologers, magicians and sorcerers to reveal the dream and interpret it.  But they were powerless. They said, "Oh king, tell us the dream and we will interpret it, for no man can know your dream." In anger, Nebuchadnezzar commanded them to all be killed.  Among the wise men of Babylon were Daniel and his three friends.  So they too were going to be killed.  But Arioch, the captain over the wise men, told the king.. "there is a man who can tell you the dream and it's interpretation."  Daniel was brought to the king and he requested several days to pray to His God Jehovah for wisdom. Daniel went back to his home and called his three friends in to pray that God will give revelation of the dream. Then God spoke "Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven."  (V-19)  Daniel returned to the king and said, "But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and makes known to the king what shall be in the latter days." (V- 28)  The dream was about the huge image what was to give Daniel revelation of all the coming kingdoms on this earth. These have all come to pass.  The Babylonian, the medo- Persian, the Greek, the Roman and finally the Kingdom of God that was the stone that crushed all others.

God is still speaking to us through dreams and interpretations.  This gift from God should be used in these latter days.  Prophetic dreams were used all through the old and new testaments.  Joseph had a dream and it saved Jesus and Mary's life as they fled to Egypt. We should ask God to give us prophetic dreams as we go to sleep nightly.  God can speak to us in this time of quietness and submission to our sleep.  I firmly believe that God will again speak to us, His bride, in dreams and interpretations. 


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