Monday, November 25, 2013

John Macarthur Error

"Mark those that cause division among you".  In a season in which God is calling the body of Christ into greater unity in answer to Jesus prayer, "That they may be one, Father as we are one that the world my know you have sent me...." (John 17), we have those that feel it is there calling to police, in the name of "sound doctrine", the work of the Holy Spirit in others and the church. Coming out from a fundamental, evangelical background and historically dispensational, I know the language that John is speaking.  However, in 1976 I encountered the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which changed my life and ministry, and have forever been delivered from negative, judgmental partial truth dividing the body of Christ. Are there abuses in the charismatic circles.. certainly. Are there abuses in the Baptist circles... absolutely.  Are there abuses in the evangelical circles... absolutely. I know a well known Baptist pastor who committed adultery with another man's wife.  That does not make all Baptist pastors adulterers. We live in an imperfect world of people that make mistakes and don't always do the right thing.  The fire of God does give space for some unusual manifestations.  We will probably see more unusual things happen toward the end of this age.  But let God deal with those that go to the extreme.  I personally have never met anyone that didn't come to Christ in salvation because the fire of someone else was too hot or too expressive.  John Macarthur is stepping over the line in creating a council of judgment against God's people.  His "Strange Fire" conference is doing just that.  I sent multiple emails to John before his conference encouraging him to not do such a thing.  He, however, didn't even answer my emails.  I am sure he just wrote me off as another extremist.  I do, however, have a passion for exegetical, contextual, systematic teaching of the word of God and have a 24/7 radio broadcast network that I teach through the New Testament from Acts to Revelation every 5 days world-wide on the internet.  So I am not just bringing attention to John Macarthur without doing my part to deliver good bible teaching chapter by chapter. I just have felt a burden for some time now about John's unfortunate exercise of drawing attention to the few things that separate the body of Christ because of differences in interpretation.  I am without apology a tongue speaking, Spirit baptized,  healing and delivering evangelist that bases all my work on the strong foundation of God's word ALONE.  Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and obeying the Father's commands as best I know how.  Do I miss the mark?  Let every man be judged by his own works!  I heard the saying, "every tub has to sit on it's own bottom" ... that's not in the bible by the way, but good practical wisdom.  Just don't come along and try to dump me out of my tub!  I am enjoying my "fire" experience daily in the Holy Spirit.  John, how can your call your ministry "Grace to You" and not show it?

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