Not so with WATV!!!! WATV has opened an exclusive NETWORK of 50 customized TV channels that are available to Christian businesses, churches and ministries 24/7 hours daily with VOD (video on demand). In other words, people can go to your channel, under your name, any time they want, to see you and with just one click see your television channel with your exclusive 10 new broadcasts monthly. This is the latest and most effective TV broadcasting venue today and is the wave of the future. Your channel with your broadcasts, no advertising except what you sell. Your exclusive channel under your name, will be viewed world-wide 24/7. WATV will also help you set up your own TV studio at your place of business, or your church or ministry headquarters. This will be a 3 camera, 4 K quality studio with green screen, lighting, video switcher, editing suite and the best high speed computers and production equipment available today . WATV will also send a staff member to train your video staff and help you set up your own TV studio. We believe that every church in the world should be broadcasting with the best quality production staff and TV equipment possible. WATV STAFF WILL MAKE THIS POSSIBLE FOR YOU!
Saturday, December 30, 2017
YOUR OWN WATV Roku, Amazon & Chromecast FULL HD television channel!
WATV provides one of the best ways to become a world-wide television producer and broadcaster for a unbelievable low monthly cost. Full broadcast television ministries can spend millions monthly to buy time on world-wide broadcast networks to get our their daily message. They usually broadcast only 1/2 hour at an assigned daily time.
Not so with WATV!!!! WATV has opened an exclusive NETWORK of 50 customized TV channels that are available to Christian businesses, churches and ministries 24/7 hours daily with VOD (video on demand). In other words, people can go to your channel, under your name, any time they want, to see you and with just one click see your television channel with your exclusive 10 new broadcasts monthly. This is the latest and most effective TV broadcasting venue today and is the wave of the future. Your channel with your broadcasts, no advertising except what you sell. Your exclusive channel under your name, will be viewed world-wide 24/7. WATV will also help you set up your own TV studio at your place of business, or your church or ministry headquarters. This will be a 3 camera, 4 K quality studio with green screen, lighting, video switcher, editing suite and the best high speed computers and production equipment available today . WATV will also send a staff member to train your video staff and help you set up your own TV studio. We believe that every church in the world should be broadcasting with the best quality production staff and TV equipment possible. WATV STAFF WILL MAKE THIS POSSIBLE FOR YOU!
Not so with WATV!!!! WATV has opened an exclusive NETWORK of 50 customized TV channels that are available to Christian businesses, churches and ministries 24/7 hours daily with VOD (video on demand). In other words, people can go to your channel, under your name, any time they want, to see you and with just one click see your television channel with your exclusive 10 new broadcasts monthly. This is the latest and most effective TV broadcasting venue today and is the wave of the future. Your channel with your broadcasts, no advertising except what you sell. Your exclusive channel under your name, will be viewed world-wide 24/7. WATV will also help you set up your own TV studio at your place of business, or your church or ministry headquarters. This will be a 3 camera, 4 K quality studio with green screen, lighting, video switcher, editing suite and the best high speed computers and production equipment available today . WATV will also send a staff member to train your video staff and help you set up your own TV studio. We believe that every church in the world should be broadcasting with the best quality production staff and TV equipment possible. WATV STAFF WILL MAKE THIS POSSIBLE FOR YOU!
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Living Under Divine Protection - Spiritual Warfare Series
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Armor of God - Stand & Fight
God has already given us the weapons we need to win. In fact, He has already won the battle, we just need to apply the victory! One of the great passages of scripture is the armor of God in Ephesians 6. Three of these parts have already been given to us, the girdle of Truth, the breastplate of Righteousness and our feet shod with the Gospel of peace. The other parts of the armor we have to "Take" and apply to the battle. The weapons Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation and Sword of the Spirit are ours. These are awesome, powerful . Faith quenches the firey darts of the wicked one. Faith moves in the realm of the Spirit and takes us to victory. Our mind is protected by the word of God and assurance of our salvation and victory is a matter of renewing our mind. The Sword of the Spirit is our offensive weapon as we take Satan's territory. Come on, we can demonstrate who we are and who Christ is in us!
Sunday, October 8, 2017
War in the Heavenlies - Keys to the Kingdom
We war in the heavenlies through spiritual weapons like prayer, fasting, commanding and breaking Satan's power on earth over cities and nations. Satan's authority comes through giving place to the devil on earth. When people on earth repent and come under Christ's authority, the power of Satan from the 2nd heavens is broken and a portal opens up over that area of earth from the throne of God. The keys to destroying Satan's powers of the heaven's is God's power on earth through His bride, His body, His kingdom people who know how to move in authority on earth. Paul talks about the power of the kingdom of God to transform earth in Romans 8. The present calling of the bride of Christ is to transition planet earth over the rulership and reign of Christ in the Millennium. We are in that shaking period where everything that can be shaken, will be shaken. Why? So that which cannot be shaken may remain... "We have a kingdom which cannot be shaken." Hebrews 12:28 The only thing at the end of this age that will NOT BE SHAKEN is what is in the kingdom of God under Jesus own authority. Since He sustains the universe by His power and words, we will be held protected, anointed and remain overcoming saints regardless what is going on around us. Make sure you are under the KING'S authority so you have His authority to exercise your kingdom rights on earth. WOW! We are in a great battle for territory! It starts with the first evidence of His rulership.. our bodies. We are weapons against the darkness. Where ever we go the kingdom goes! We are carriers of the great power of the universe. Kingdom Life University teaches these principles of walking in kingdom power under Christ's authority. That is why you should register and begin this important teaching for these end times.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Freedom From Demons
Jesus Christ gives us the spiritual principles of deliverance. He practiced deliverance! In fact, 1/3 of Jesus ministry was casting out demons. If Jesus did it, I am going to do it. Jesus said, "The works I do you shall do also, an greater works than these shall you do, because I go to the Father." John 14:12 Why does the church shy away from deliverance ministries? Same reason Jesus was criticized for casting out demons. They accused Him (Jesus) of doing it by the power of Satan himself. "You cast out demons by the power of Satan" they said of Jesus. There is a great deal of misunderstanding about this calling. Two problems of are the cause. Lack of understanding or teaching. And overemphasis or obsession with those that do this ministry. It is only ONE PART of the ministry and not the whole. We have to keep it in balance with the overall calling of "Preaching the Gospel of the kingdom". Satan operates on two levels. In the heavenlies through fallen angels, and on earth through evil spirits or demons. You must understand where these two categories originate from and how they operate. This series on spiritual warfare will do that for you. This video summarizes many of the misconceptions that people have and brings biblical teaching to the forefront. Please watch and let the Holy Spirit instruct you in this vital ministry.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
American Eclipse - Goes Through 7 Cities named Salem after JeruSALEM!
I am not a conspiracy fan, but sometimes things just seem a little too much like coincidence. The American eclipse coming Monday, August 21st starts in Salem, Oregon, passes through Salem, Idaho; Salem, Wyoming; Salem, Nebraska; Salem, Missouri; Salem, Kentucky and Salem, South Carolina! The eclipse starts in Salem, Oregon the very minute the sun sets in JeruSALEM. All these Salem's are named after Jerusalem. Please go to my teaching last week on the American eclipse on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Joel 3:14-16 "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The sun and moon will grow dark.... The Lord also will roar from Zion, and utter His voice from JeruSALEM". The scientists are calling the path of the American eclipse "The Valley"! The pathway of the eclipse they say is 70 miles across. Amazingly in 2024, in 7 years another eclipse will cross America from the Northeast to the South. The intersection of the crossing of these two eclipses is in Salem, Kentucky!
I have been teaching recently on both the American eclipse and the great sign in the heavens of Rev. 12:1-2. Could it be that God is going to begin a national awakening in Israel and August 21st of 2017 is a prelude to this? Is the great sign in the heavens of Revelation 12 really coming? Are these Salem cities a prophetic sign? I am very careful about date setting and weird predictions, but I do know something is happening. Let's pray for Jerusalem! Let's believe together for a national awakening of Israel. If you haven't seen my video on Revelation 12, please watch it below. I do know that God commanded us to pray for the peace of JeruSALEM. Prophetic signs are here all around for God's end-time divine purpose and destiny of the nations. Church arise and pray and prophecy to these bones to come alive! Awake Oh Israel!
I have been teaching recently on both the American eclipse and the great sign in the heavens of Rev. 12:1-2. Could it be that God is going to begin a national awakening in Israel and August 21st of 2017 is a prelude to this? Is the great sign in the heavens of Revelation 12 really coming? Are these Salem cities a prophetic sign? I am very careful about date setting and weird predictions, but I do know something is happening. Let's pray for Jerusalem! Let's believe together for a national awakening of Israel. If you haven't seen my video on Revelation 12, please watch it below. I do know that God commanded us to pray for the peace of JeruSALEM. Prophetic signs are here all around for God's end-time divine purpose and destiny of the nations. Church arise and pray and prophecy to these bones to come alive! Awake Oh Israel!
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Signs in the Heavens - Revelation 12
August 21st... an eclipse will occur clear across America! We are entering an interesting season of unusual heavenly signs. Next month on September 23rd is fulfillment of Rev. 12:1-2 Many are speculating that these refer to prophetic events coming shortly on earth. In the past eclipses have happened before major events on earth and the signs of Virgo and Leo seem to fit Revelation 12:1-2 on September 23 next month. The coming eclipse clear across America is unusual indeed. Often judgment is associated with eclipses. For example an eclipse swept across Nineveh one month before Jonah arrived. It made his message well received. An eclipse swept across Europe one month before the break out of WWII. You can research and trace other major judgments associated with major eclipses. But in association with the eclipse across America on August 21st, is the long awaited fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-2 "A great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth." Many are saying that this is the rapture of the church. I disagree as no one knows the day or the hour of His coming. But I do agree that these signs could be preparation of something happening with the awakening of Israel to their Messiah. Please watch the video below and form you own opinion. What ever happens or does not happen the next 45 days, we are definitely in an dynamic season of the preparation for the transition of planet earth over to Christ's rule. Kingdom Life University teaches this. My main passion is to prepare the "Bride of Christ" to be kings and priests unto our God. Get ready to rule and reign with Christ.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Discover the 5-fold Ministry Gifts - You are His Building
Jesus transferred His authority to earth when He sat down after He ascended to heaven. He did this through what we call the headship ministries of Christ. 5 gifts of authority and power to bring His living body to earth through His church. Called "His fullness", we "His building" are designed to bring all saints to the full measure of the stature of Christ. That means through the 5-fold ministries, all saints are edified and equipped for full-time ministry. How will this happen? Eph. 4 says, "When we each receive the gift given to us". We are actually called three things: 1. His bride for intimacy; 2. His body for functionality; and 3. His building for structure. The cornerstone of the building is Christ Himself. The foundation is the apostles and prophets. The walls are the teachers of the apostle's doctrine. The roof is the pastor who oversees and protects the saints. And the evangelist, the one who outside and building, gathers new saints into the building! Simply, the apostles Govern, the prophets Guide, the pastors Guard, the evangelists Gather and the teachers Ground. This living building is built with "living stones". I Peter 2:5 "You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house..." Have you found your way into this awesome building?
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Discover your Manifestation Gifts - Gift of power!
God has already placed within you all you need for life and godliness. (II Peter 1:3) What does that mean? You have already been given all the 9 manifestation gifts you need to meet the needs of others. These are the gifts of healing, miracles, faith, discernment, etc. (I Corinthians 12) The bible calls these "charis" or grace gifts. The prefix "meta" or to extend is added. So a charismatic is someone who is a "Grace Extender" through gifts! These power gifts were used by Jesus to cast out demons, heal the sick and raise the dead. We have the same power. Jesus said, "The works that I do you shall do also and greater works than these shall you do, because I go to my Father." John 14:12 But Jesus prefixes it with "If you believe". Do you? Or do you explain away His power for you and in you. All 9 manifestation gifts are already within you, you just need to release them. But you must access your "spirit man" and release them through your mouth. Your tongue becomes the point of faith release. That's why Jesus always cast out demons by command. He always spoke healing... "Rise and be healed". How do we build faith for these 9 manifestation gifts? By using them and seeing God work through them. Peter only walked on water when he stepped out of the boat. Don't be bashful. If Jesus said it, you can believe it and you can do it!
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Discover Your Motivational Gifts - Part 1
You are born with natural abilities put inside of you by your designer.. God Himself. These become the driving force of your life. But when empowered by the Holy Spirit they are "energized" by God. Your natural administration ability now under God's power will take you to another level. If you have the gifts of teaching, you become inspired by the Holy Spirit to teach with revelation. Roman's 12 talks about these 7 motivational have one. Even though you may display several of the different motivations at the same time, there is one that will stand out. When you understand the operate in your motivational gift, you now are displaying God's kingdom and heaven touches earth. Paul says for us to fully realize this empowering, you must submit you body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and renew you mind daily. Then you will know His "perfect will" in operating your gifting. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:1-2 TAKE THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFTS TEST NOW RIGHT HERE.
Discover your MOTIVATIONAL gift
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Discover your destiny - Your Body, His Body
You are part of the living vital body of Christ on earth manifesting His power by extending His "grace" (charis) to meet the needs of others. Charismatics are "charis" grace "meta" extenders. When we operate by His Spirit, we are demonstrating heaven on earth. People around us experience who God is and what He is doing through us. This is the whole concept of "gifts of the Spirit". But before understanding the gifts, we must understand Christ's body. How it functions, what it is, and why is it on earth now through us. I Corinthians 12 reveals this clearly. We (1) belong to each other by confession "Jesus is Lord" and by being placed in the same body. We (2) need each other as much as your hand needs your mouth, and your mouth needs your feet, etc. That's the illustration Paul used. "Can the hand say to the feet, I have no need of you?" And finally we (3) affect each other. "If one member of the body suffer, all suffer with it. If one member is honored, all are honored with it". Great chapter of introduction to the teaching of the gifts of the spirit coming up the next few weeks. You can join the teaching "Live" online each Wednesday morning at 10am at: LIVE FACEBOOK CLASS
Monday, June 26, 2017
Discover your Destiny - Your Kingdom Assignment
Your purpose describes who you are and who God has made you. It is your journey through this life that is taking you to your ultimate destiny. You are God's "one of a kind" creation. Made distinct, with gifts, with talents, with desires and dreams that no one else has. God needs you. You are His earthly manifestation of his divine decree to transfer heaven to earth through a people who are walking under His authority and power. Your are filled with His Spirit to make this all happen. You demonstrate God's goodness and greatness on earth. He cannot function here without you. That's why He chose to dwell in your body as His temple. You are the manifest presence of God on earth as you speak His word, declare His promises, walk out His purpose. You are the reason He made earth. As weak and limited as you feel, He will take you and use you as a demonstration of His glory. As He is in heaven, so are you on this earth. (I John 4) As Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead bodily, so you are as He declares you in Ephesians 1:22-23 "And He (the Father) put all things under His (Jesus) feet, and gave Him (Jesus) to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all."
Saturday, May 13, 2017
7 Mountains of Influence
There is rising on the earth a new generation. A kingdom generation of young prophets and apostles with great authority. They will take nations at the end of this age! God is now positioning through divine providence, the spirit of the fathers toward their children. This also includes spiritual fathers and sons. This restoration is a key to generational authority and blessing for planet earth. Spiritual father's will get a vision to transmit their authority and even greater authority to their sons and daughters. A divine connection driven by purpose and most of all love, will bring into manifestation this kingdom release of heaven to earth. That is what the 7 mountains of influence is doing. Capturing the territory once held by Satan. Jesus was manifest for two reasons according to I John chapter 3. First He was manifest to "take away the sins of mankind, because He had no sin". Second He was manifest to "destroy the works of the devil". This new generation will receive downloads of revelation about being "kings and priests" unto their God and walk in the priesthood of Melchizedek. Get ready to see Daniel's promoted to high places in government. Joseph's on the mountain of provision in business. Mary's promoted to birth kingdom territories through intercession. Watch, look and see the glory of God fall, the presence of God manifest, and the authority of God to be released in high places. Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it". The church's success on earth is not based on man's ability, genius or strength, but on the predestined purpose of Almighty God.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Melchizedek - Powerful End-Time Revelation (King - Priest)
Jesus is a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek! This amazing revelation gives us the insight into the end-time dominion calling of the bride of Christ. We are called to be a kingdom of kings and priests unto our God! We are kings and priests after the order of Melchizedek of whom Jesus Himself is patterned. Who was Melchizedek? The bible refers to the book of Jasher mentioned two times in the book of Joshua. It gives an identical reference to Melchizedek the king of Salem or Jerusalem. It also identifies him as Shem, the son of Noah. He lived to be approximately 500 years old and died the same year as Sarah, the wife of Abram. (Genesis 11:11) He was so honored in the ancient world that Abram (Later named Abraham) gave a tenth of the spoil of the battle to him. Shem carried the blessing of his father..."Blessed be Shem, may the land of Canaan be his servant." Genesis 9:26. Shem taught Abram the principles of God like the tithe and other priestly duties. Under Abraham and the law of Moses the offices of king and priest were separated. It was forbidden for a king to do the work of a priest under the law of Moses. King Saul lost his kingdom for practicing this. Another king got leprosy for doing the priestly administrations. What was separated under the law, Jesus brought back together as the King/Priest. Hebrews mentions Melchizedek in three chapters 5, 6 & 12. How important this figure was that Jesus Christ Himself is a priests forever after Melchizedek's order. Psalms 110 also mentions this priestly order that David prophetically saw. The power of Psalms 110 shows the authority Jesus has to put all enemies under His feet. Psa. 110:4 - 7 "You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. The Lord is at Your right hand; He shall execute kings in the day of His wrath. He shall judge among the nations. He shall fill the places with dead bodies. He shall executed the heads of many countries. He shall drink the brook of the wayside; therefore He shall lift up the head." This speaks of the transition of earth to Christ's ruler ship under the dominion of His bride. "Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power." Psalms 110:3 We are, I believe, in the time of the end when the bride is going to exercise her glorious power!
Please listen to this important teaching. I felt the anointing of God as He downloaded this teaching to me yesterday, Wednesday at our bible teaching for KLU. This is end-time prophetic revelation. Kingdom Life University - register NOW
Please listen to this important teaching. I felt the anointing of God as He downloaded this teaching to me yesterday, Wednesday at our bible teaching for KLU. This is end-time prophetic revelation. Kingdom Life University - register NOW
Sunday, April 16, 2017
7 Mountains of influence - Mt. of the Family
The foundation of all societies is the family. But the family, as of late, has been under attack! But we can change that. God is raising up a generation of transformers, invaders of darkness, and conformers to the will of God! We have drawn our line in the sand and announced to Satan and his imps that they are illegal, defeated through the blood of Jesus Christ and in His name must abandon the territory they have taken on this mountain. Women's liberation has gone to far and the manhood of this generation is compromised with confusion, intimidation and fear. Only 3% of our nation is gay, yet they have influenced the entire culture. It shows that we only need 3% of kingdom minded young warriors who can retake this mountain. We can restore the biblical family in America and around the world. Satan is will not win this battle for this mountain. Why? Because God established it and will protect it. His angles are on standby to enforce the declarations and commands of His saints. The modern family will no longer be defined by the world, but by the word. Young fathers rising in responsibility and holiness. Mothers walking in response to Godly husbands and men who know how to love and lay down their life as Christ did for the church. There is a kingdom mentality rising on the earth. A revelation of who we are in Christ as the bride, both men and women.
Friday, April 7, 2017
7 Mountains of Influence
The kingdom of God has authority to influence the culture of all nations. Salt and light are typically the affect that kingdom kids have on their culture. We have, however, abandoned much of our culture and retreated into an escapist theology. We have somehow embraced the idea that the best thing for us is to escape off this earth, rather than transform it. Our ability to transform earth is based on the power of the blood of Christ over our enemy. Satan has possessed many of the gates of the cities in the areas of the mountains of family, government, education, media, arts & sciences, business and religion. As we have stood off the the side and often watched what Satan is doing, many believers do not know how to reengage. The study of the 7 mountains of influence will help us understand how the kingdom cultures should affect the natural culture around us. But we must first have a kingdom mentality. Much of the church does not even understand how the kingdom of God is operating in this age. The bible mentions the kingdom 176 times. The word "born again" is found in only one passage, yet is talked about almost weekly in evangelical churches. Where have we gone astray? Satan is blinding the eyes of many toward kingdom teaching because he understands that kingdom people carry a great attitude of authority against him and overcoming him. Remember Jesus was manifest for two reasons. First, to bring us to salvation. "For this purpose was the son of man manifest to take away our sins." Second to make us disciples. "For this purpose was the son of God manifest, to destroy the works of the devil." Both are important.
Delight of Love - Song of Solomon - Chapter 2
The insecurity of the Shulamite is overcome in the opening of Chapter 2. She now refers to herself as "The rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley". The king quickly confirms her self declaration and says, "Yes, you are the lily among thorns so is my love among the dauthers". She sees her great favor as his choice for her over all other women. Much different than chapter one where she feels the king may reject her because of her deep tan from working in the vineyard. She even veiled her face to hide from him. But in chapter two her security is overcome by the strong words of acceptance and love from the king. The power of words begins to strengthen her confidence and he confirms his love over and over again. Their relationship begins to develop as she lets down her guard and receives the kings love. The very thing that she thought might turn the king away from her, which was her working in the field and watch the goats, was the thing that attracted him. He invited her closer to his tent and began his interest in her. Rachel was noticed because she went to get the water at the well, but ended up watering the camels of Ishmael. It is in the duties of life that we find the greatest opportunities. We see the Shulamite just growing in confidence as the king speaks words of affirmation and love over her.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Love's Consumation - Song of Solomon - Chapter 4
The great love story has moved from the courting of chapters 1 - 3 to the wedding and now chapter 4... the honeymoon suite. This beautiful encounter of the king and Shulamite reveals the joy of love and sex. In the beauty of holiness, the picture of husband and wife coming together to celebrate their oneness. This picture of Christ and the church called his bride, gives us understanding of His passion for us and the perfection he goes through to present for Himself a bride "without spot or wrinkle". The king says, "You are all fair my love, and their is no spot in you." (v-4) The further expresses his desire to with her, "You have ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; you have ravished my heart." (v - 9) This is truly a story of romance. I have often said, "God is a hopeless romantic". He tells the greatest stories of love in the universe. Love is not just something God does, but IS! He can not do anything but love. We, wonderfully, are the ones who benefit from that love.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Passion of Love - Song of Solomon. Great Love Story!

Saturday, January 28, 2017
Book of Daniel - Summary/Overview
This video will help you understand the end-time timeline Jesus gave us in Matthew 24. Jesus referred to the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation. He shows us the high points of the Father's prophetic plan and His own "Action Plan" for the end of this age. Jesus straightens out much of the false prophecy we see today on Youtube. People are giving all these so called "signs" of the times when Jesus clearly said they are not. He said the wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, pestilence, and all these things are not signs of the end. We have had them for thousands of years. Yet many modern day so called prophets use them to tell us that they show how close the coming of the Lord is. NOT! Jesus even called them the "beginning of sorrows, but the end is not yet". There are only a couple of markers that Jesus, Himself, gave us. First is the "Abomination of Desolation". This happens in the middle of the tribulation period after the antichrist has already established a peace agreement or covenant with Israel and her surrounding nations. The 3rd temple will already have been built because the "abomination of desolation" cannot happen without it. The seals of Revelation 6 will already have been fulfilled. See my video on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Then in the middle of the tribulation this great event happens. Revelation 12 shows that Satan has now been cast out of heaven by Michael and God's mighty host of angels. Satan comes to earth in great anger and personally indwells the antichrist. This period fulfills the trumpets and finally the devastating 7 bowls at the very end of the tribulation. The greatest time of destruction outside of the flood, in world history. I will show you in this video how all these things fall out. How the timeline is clearly drawn by Jesus in Matthew 24. The final and only true sign of Jesus coming is "When this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world, unto all nations (dialects), then shall the end come." Matthew 24:14. Jesus said regarding it, "then the end will come". Jesus said it, I believe it, and Action Evangelism and Kingdom Life University is preparing for it!
Please watch my video
Monday, January 16, 2017
Daniel 10 - "Abomination of Desolation"
Daniel chapter 10 is part of the vision of chapters 10 - 12 and is one vision. Daniel receives a more in depth vision of both the Medo-Persion Empire the and Grecian Empire leading into the full manifestation of the Antichrist through the Roman Empire. This detailed history gives us a great revelation of how the antichrist will rise. The historical fulfillment of the abomination of desolation happened under Antiochus Epiphanes. But Jesus totally brought it into the end-time timeline in Matthew 24:15 Then Jesus said, "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation' spoken by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." This refers to the beginning of great tribulation the Jews the last 3 1/2 years. Jesus clearly ties in this event to the tribulation period and marks the middle of the tribulation. This answer given by Jesus was in response to the disciples asking when the end of the age would occur.
The antichrist will come to power peacefully. This picture is found in the four horsemen of the apocalypse of Revelation chapter 6. The first horse is white and the rider has a bow without arrows. He will conquer peacefully through a peace agreement with Israel. Perhaps even helping with the building of the 3rd temple on the temple mount. But following the white horse will be the red horse of war, followed by the black horse of death and the pale horse of pestilence. The antichrist breaks this covenant with Israel in the middle of the tribulation or at the time of "abomination of desolation". This will start the period of two great events on earth. Great persecution of Israel and new testament Christian believers and great victory and overcoming power of the saints. Jesus told Daniel in the final vision that when this strike occurs from the antichrist, "But the people that know their God will be strong and carry out great exploits." Daniel 11:32 Also God will have a remnant that will "will understand and shall instruct many.." (v 33) So in the middle of the great power of the antichrist will be an even greater power of the saints. In fact Daniel 7 has one of the most awesome statements in the entire bible. Daniel 7:26-27 "But the court shall be seated, and they (the saints) shall take away his (the antichrist) dominion, to consume and destroy it forever. Then the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High." Yes, in the end the saints shall, through the power of the Holy Spirit, totally overcome Satan and through their dominion establish Jesus Christ kingdom on earth!
The antichrist will come to power peacefully. This picture is found in the four horsemen of the apocalypse of Revelation chapter 6. The first horse is white and the rider has a bow without arrows. He will conquer peacefully through a peace agreement with Israel. Perhaps even helping with the building of the 3rd temple on the temple mount. But following the white horse will be the red horse of war, followed by the black horse of death and the pale horse of pestilence. The antichrist breaks this covenant with Israel in the middle of the tribulation or at the time of "abomination of desolation". This will start the period of two great events on earth. Great persecution of Israel and new testament Christian believers and great victory and overcoming power of the saints. Jesus told Daniel in the final vision that when this strike occurs from the antichrist, "But the people that know their God will be strong and carry out great exploits." Daniel 11:32 Also God will have a remnant that will "will understand and shall instruct many.." (v 33) So in the middle of the great power of the antichrist will be an even greater power of the saints. In fact Daniel 7 has one of the most awesome statements in the entire bible. Daniel 7:26-27 "But the court shall be seated, and they (the saints) shall take away his (the antichrist) dominion, to consume and destroy it forever. Then the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High." Yes, in the end the saints shall, through the power of the Holy Spirit, totally overcome Satan and through their dominion establish Jesus Christ kingdom on earth!
Monday, January 9, 2017
2017 Prophetic Word "Awakening"
Each year God gives me a word between Christmas and New Years Eve. This year I have waited on the Lord extensively and didn't want to miss what "the Spirit is saying". It came clear and specific in 7 areas. This is the year of "Awakening". The Holy Spirit has come to planet earth in a fresh wind, and new wave of glory, a sound of "Awakening"! The darkness has been temporarily exposed, pushed back, unearthed and upset. America particularly experienced it in the election of our new president elect Donald Trump. He is the perfect choice for this "Awakening" in our nation. He carries what I call "common grace" like a Winston Churchill, a Abraham Lincoln. He has been appointed, like Cyrus by God, for a specific purpose in redirecting our nation away from the rampant global agenda and liberal progressive thinking. It has caused a stirring in the heavens and on the streets. In December I had three visions of a snake that had been stepped on after his election. That snake was the opposition that hated him and did everything to stop him. I was raised on a ranch and know what happens when you step on a rattle snake.. it tries to bite you. There is going to be a push back on abortion, on the homosexual agenda, on corruption in high places. These are the clear areas God spoke to me about for 2017, and I will not go into great detail, but just list them. Please watch the short video for more revelation.
1. An awakening of "Fathers" on earth. Restoring fathers to their children.
2. An awakening of true prophetic truth for the end times.
3. An awakening of Israel.. especially with the passing of Jupiter through the constellation "Virgo".
4. An awakening of a rural revival.
5. An awakening of a army (spiritual) of youth to their kingdom purpose.
6. An awakening of angelic activity as we learn to work with angels.
7. An awakening of a new prayer movement and of spiritual authority in pulpits as a new boldness is going to hit pastors.
Please forward this post on to others and especially the short video below. Let's spread to good word for 2017.
1. An awakening of "Fathers" on earth. Restoring fathers to their children.
2. An awakening of true prophetic truth for the end times.
3. An awakening of Israel.. especially with the passing of Jupiter through the constellation "Virgo".
4. An awakening of a rural revival.
5. An awakening of a army (spiritual) of youth to their kingdom purpose.
6. An awakening of angelic activity as we learn to work with angels.
7. An awakening of a new prayer movement and of spiritual authority in pulpits as a new boldness is going to hit pastors.
Please forward this post on to others and especially the short video below. Let's spread to good word for 2017.
God's prophetic word to me for 2017
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