Sunday, August 20, 2017

American Eclipse - Goes Through 7 Cities named Salem after JeruSALEM!

I am not a conspiracy fan, but sometimes things just seem a little too much like coincidence. The American eclipse coming Monday, August 21st starts in Salem, Oregon, passes through Salem, Idaho; Salem, Wyoming; Salem, Nebraska; Salem, Missouri; Salem, Kentucky and Salem, South Carolina!  The eclipse starts in Salem, Oregon the very minute the sun sets in JeruSALEM. All these Salem's are named after Jerusalem. Please go to my teaching last week on the American eclipse on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL.  Joel 3:14-16 "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!  For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.  The sun and moon will grow dark.... The Lord also will roar from Zion, and utter His voice from JeruSALEM".  The scientists are calling the path of the American eclipse "The Valley"! The pathway of the eclipse they say is 70 miles across. Amazingly in 2024, in 7 years another eclipse will cross America from the Northeast to the South.  The intersection of the crossing of these two eclipses is in Salem, Kentucky!
I have been teaching recently on both the American eclipse and the great sign in the heavens of Rev. 12:1-2.  Could it be that God is going to begin a national awakening in Israel and August 21st of 2017 is a prelude to this? Is the great sign in the heavens of Revelation 12 really coming? Are these Salem cities a prophetic sign?  I am very careful about date setting and weird predictions, but I do know something is happening. Let's pray for Jerusalem!  Let's believe together for a national awakening of Israel.  If you haven't seen my video on Revelation 12, please watch it below.  I do know that God commanded us to pray for the peace of JeruSALEM. Prophetic signs are here all around for God's end-time divine purpose and destiny of the nations. Church arise and pray and prophecy to these bones to come alive!  Awake Oh Israel!  



  1. Fascinating. I think a lot of what you say and show (in video on signs in the heavens) is supported by Steve Moutria & friends, e.g. I think in . We need to be awake and prepared... for difficult times, but also to share in the good things that God will do!

  2. It appears that you stretch the truth to fit your loose associations. Your own map intersects Illinois, not Kentucky. Also, the time between the 2017 eclipse and the 2024 eclipse is 6 years 9 months, 18 days, not the magical number that gets everyone excited, 7 years. It is very dangerous to spread incorrect, Zionistic fabrications to an audience that may not be doing their own research. I know it sells books and makes you money, which is another thing altogether.

    1. only if you use a fictitious Jesuit Gregorian calendar


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