Sunday, April 16, 2017

7 Mountains of influence - Mt. of the Family

The foundation of all societies is the family.  But the family, as of late, has been under attack!  But we can change that. God is raising up a generation of transformers, invaders of darkness, and conformers to the will of God! We have drawn our line in the sand and announced to Satan and his imps that they are illegal, defeated through the blood of Jesus Christ and in His name must abandon the territory they have taken on this mountain. Women's liberation has gone to far and the manhood of this generation is compromised with confusion, intimidation and fear. Only 3% of our nation is gay, yet they have influenced the entire culture. It shows that we only need 3% of kingdom minded young warriors who can retake this mountain. We can restore the biblical family in America and around the world.  Satan is will not win this battle for this mountain.  Why?  Because God established it and will protect it. His angles are on standby to enforce the declarations and commands of His saints. The modern family will no longer be defined by the world, but by the word.  Young fathers rising in responsibility and holiness.  Mothers walking in response to Godly husbands and men who know how to love and lay down their life as Christ did for the church. There is a kingdom mentality rising on the earth.  A revelation of who we are in Christ as the bride, both men and women.

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