Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jesus Kingdom Prayer

The Lord's prayer is a series of templets that teach us how to pray. The Kingdom Of God is a place, not a religion. In this place is God's government with a king. Also is a court we call the place of prayer. The Father sits on the throne, Jesus is our lawyer (advocate) with the Father, the Holy Spirit is our councelor teaching us how to pray, the testimonies in the court room are the Old and New Testaments giving us case studies of God's power and provision and the power of atorney is the name of Jesus in which we pray. Now we are ready to petition the judge of the universe, who by the way is full of love, compassion as well as He is totally holy and to reverenced, with our petitions. It is interesting to picture the court of heaven as our place of legal access to the throne. We are therefore to come, "boldly to the throne of grace to obtain grace and help in a time of need.

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