Monday, December 26, 2016

America In Prophecy - Daniel 8

Three times in Daniel chapter 8, Daniel is told by the mighty angel Gabriel, "This is for the times of the end." (v - 19, v 23a & 23b)  The early chapters of Daniel give us the history of what is known as the "times of the Gentiles" on earth. The four kingdoms that began with the Babylonian, then the Medio - Persian, then the Grecian, and finally the Roman.  But these kingdoms will culminate with the rise of one powerful leader called the anti-christ. The beasts of Daniel are not only pictures of both the ancient empires, but also a picture of end-time key nations.  The lion with eagle wings is England, the eagle's wings break away and becomes America, the eagle sign, followed by the bear, or the sign of Russia and finally the leopard or Germany.  These become central powers in the end-time purpose of God. The anti-christ will arise during the existence of these major powers and form a one world government, religious system, economic system that Revelation calls Babylon. He, the anti-christ, makes a covenant with Israel to rebuild the 3rd temple, but in the middle of the 7 year peace agreement, the anti-christ breaks the covenant and establishes an image of himself in the holy of holies.  This is called the "abomination of desolations".  Jesus referred to this in matthew 24:15 - 16 "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation', spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, 'Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains'" Jesus clearly taught that this would happen at the "times of the end".  This is the signal for Israel to flee from the coming persecution in Jerusalem that the anti-christ will bring.  Then Jerusalem will be destroyed for the last time.  Nations will gather against her.  But soon after, at the "second coming of Christ", the city will be rebuilt for her final eternal glory.  Christ will reign from Jerusalem as heaven joins earth and the "New Jerusalem" descends from heaven and Christ reigns over planet earth with his bride, the church of both Jews and Gentiles, reigning with Him for 1000 years. America is seen as a key ally of Israel.  One reason America has been raised up is to provide a friend to Israel and a place of sanctuary for the last several hundred years.  America will also realign with Israel strongly in the times of the end. This will bring blessing on America.  Donald Trump has already strongly suggested this. Obama has again tried to sell Israel down the tubes by voting in the United Nations for the Palestinian state and the recent stopping of building her rightful dwellings on the West Bank. I praise God thanking Him for raising up Donald Trump as a leader who, I believe, will renew our commitment to Israel. I also believe that the vision of the Ram and Goat in Daniel 8 is the struggle between Islam and the Western culture. Could the two horns of the Ram be the two divisions of the Sunni's and Shi'ihites? If so, the Ram will in the end destroy this world-wide influence.

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