Sunday, May 17, 2015

How To Cast out Demons... Evangelism Toolbox

Almost 1/3 of Jesus ministry was casting out demons.  Jesus gave this same authority to His original disciples and then to us. Mark 16:16-17 Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature...and these signs shall follow them that believe, in my name they shall cast out demons."  Jesus clearly gives us His authority. Having ministered for over 50 years and bringing many to freedom from demon control, I want to share some very simple tools that really work. Casting out demons can become somewhat a strange ministry with some people.  They make way more of it than God intended. Many people are also afraid to perform this ministry because it seems beyond them.  I strongly suggest you can do this.  I always surround myself and my family with the covering of the blood of Jesus and make sure my personal life is tuned to God's love and control.  If you follow these simple principles you will find it absolutely simple to do and effective: 

Principle #1 - Demons operate only by their legal authority given to them by taking territory.  First, they are territorial!  Eph. 4:27 says, "Nor give place to the devil." 
Remember, demons cannot operate in this natural world without a body or place to operate. They also know they are operating illegally.... so take authority!

Principle #2 - Demons operate by permission.  Someone at sometime in their life have given demons permission to operate because of disobedience to God's word and commands. Also participation in the occult, witchcraft and other demonic activities can bring demon control. Practicing habitual sins with unrepentance can also give permission to demons to indwell our bodies, souls or minds.  Demons simply observe our lives and enter when they witness a heart of unrepentance and rebellion.  Also remember your "spirit man" can never be touched by demons.  (see post spirit, soul and body)

So How do you cast out demons?  Simple....
1. Take away their territory by bringing our bodies, souls and minds under the absolute ruler ship and blood of Christ through genuine repentance and confession.  Demons know their legal rights over you and know when they lose them.  Repentance LEGALLY closes the door to demons.  Have the person pray this prayer... "Father, I confess and turn away from this sin, I yeild my body totally to your authority and control.  I break every tie that I have had with demonic control in the name of Jesus."

2. Take away their permission by commands!  Jesus never played mental games with demons, but simply commanded them to leave.  Declare in Jesus name... "I command every demon to come out of this person.  You have no legal right to remain.  This person is now under the ruler ship and authority of Jesus Christ.  The blood of Jesus against you demons!  In Jesus mighty name be gone!"

                                               CASTING OUT DEMONS - TOOLBOX

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