Sunday, May 31, 2015
Have you installed our WATV Roku, Amazon or Google APP?
If you have a Roku player, and I hope you do, please go to "Streaming Channels" and search for "WATV" app. Download the app and get our daily updates of exciting videos on your broadcast TV set in high def. If you like our channel, please do us a favor and give us a good rating... we already have quite a few. It really helps our standing. Then when you open Roku on your TV, please give us some viewing time. I ask all this as a blessing upon you and favor upon us. Roku depends on recommendations and referrals to build our channel. Would you consider, through your social media, to recommend "WATV" download and viewing? I have recently uploaded the entire "Evangelism Toolbox" and now I am upoading the entire book of Revelation studies. Also I will be placing our "Magnificent Christ" daily devotional on shortly, hopefully a few times a week. All this adds up to really linking with your heart and eyes on real "Kingdom Stuff". I deeply appreciate your support and this can help us get our message out to the world. I have been posting on this and other blogspots for sometime with good Kingdom Truth and Kingdom principles. If you have not figured it out already, we strongly believe that the end-time gospel is what Jesus calls the "Gospel of the Kingdom". Jesus said it would be preached in all the world, unto all ethnos or dialects, and then He would come back for us.. His bride. So this does seem to be pretty important. Thanks for your support with so many hits on this blog. God bless you greatly. We are coming into a very exciting time on planet earth.. and with Israel His special land. Just for your information, I love the Roku 3 & 4 players as they have many of the features you may like. I believe the Roku 3 runs around $69.00 one time purchase and no monthly fees ever!
Friday, May 29, 2015
Shemitah - Coming Change in September 2015
1. Crash of the American dollar. China and Russia are actively trying to change the petro dollar from the good ol' US dollar to another currency. Unfortunately we owe China billions as they have bought our T-bonds for years. Even without China and Russia, we have a very tentative dollar with such an outstanding debt of our government. Something like $8,000 per capita of every American citizen. Even the Federal Reserve says this is unsustainable.
2. Madrid fault earthquake. There have been many recent reports of the reactivation of the Madrid fault. Many prophetic voices are crying, "Awake America" to this possibility. Even to the dividing of the physical American contenient into two separate entities. Even the site for the future US navy maps shows a map of a huge water mass in place of the flowing Mississippi. No longer a river but a large influx of water from the gulf. The largest earthquake in the 1800's was on this fault line. Church bells were rung from the Madrid earthquake all the way up to Boston 1,500 miles away.
3. Massive San Adreas earthquake. Another hot spot is California. Suffering already from a massive drought, this kind of event could cause great financial issues for the suffering state. California has always been the financial measure of blessing on our nation. The annual budget of California would qualify it in the top 10 nations of the world's economic budgets.
4. Volcanic Eruption - Yellowstone Caldera. This has been a subject of a lot of talk recently. Yellowstone is being closely observed for recent activity. It is more hydrothermal in nature and not a deep magna potential hazard. But even this surface activity could create a devastaing affect.
5. Violent Weather Patterns around the world. Is this the beginning of sorrows? Are we at the beginning of things to come? Romans 8 says the earth is groaning and travailing as a women in birth. We now live in what the bible calls perilous times.
What am I saying? With so many potential large critical events on the future horizon, I believe God's protection for our nation comes from the earnest prayer effort of so many intercessory ministries. Prayer has always preserved nations. God's blessing is also conditional on our treatment of Israel and our support for this nation. How can you personally prepare for the coming Shemitah? Walk close to God and listen to His voice. Follow good financial practices during this season. Stay out of, or get out of debt. Consider moving your investments out of the stock market into more secure forms. Precious metals have always been good. Consider silver in small exchangable increments. Please watch the above video just made and showing how violent the earth has become just the last weeks.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Evangelism Toolbox - Power tools for evangelism
The Action Evangelism Toolbox is designed to bring you simple, powerful tools that you can use to win others to Christ, cast out demons, heal the sick, lead others into the baptism of the Holy Spirit and make true disciples. These will be video tools that can be shared with others on your smart phone with a simple youtube link. They will be short (approximately 2 minutes each) and easy to use. This will empower you to share a simple step by step approach to salvation, deliverance, healing, discipleship and Spirit empowerment. These videos will excite you because they are proven tools I have used and trained thousands of others to use for over 50 years of evangelism on the job training. They are based on sound biblical truth. I will be posting this information shortly with attached videos. Action Evangelism has been used by God to train and equip believers around the world for over 50 years. Now it is YOUR TURN to receive and use these proven methods of witnessing and leading others to spiritual growth, liberty and freedom in Christ. They will include:
1. A proven method of witnessing that is easy and simple and duplicatable. I have led thousands of people to Christ with this simple easy approach...and it works!
2. A proven method of casting out demons by applying two powerful principles that we have learned from years of street ministry and personal deliverance ministry.
3. A proven method of bringing people to fast, effective healing. We have seen many people immediately healed through this biblical method of prayer and declaration.
4. A proven method of administrating the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. This empowerment will bring people a new authority and anointing for life and ministry.
5. A proven method of becoming a true disciple by understanding clearly how our spirit, soul and body work. This is vital for true spiritual growth. A true disciple is one who has learned to "walk in the Spirit". This will show you how.
Get ready and stay tuned to this blog for future videos and exciting information! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS OF ALL VIDEOS RELEASED!
How to Lead People into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Evangelism Toolbox
Here are the principles:
1. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is received by faith just like your salvation. You simply "believe and receive".
2. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is released by confession with your tongue and mouth. You can pray something like, "I believe Lord Jesus, that you want to empower me for ministry by giving me Your power of the Holy Spirit. I now receive by faith this wonderful gift you promised me. Take my life completely and I ask the Holy Spirit to come upon me and anoint me with your fire. Loose my tongue to speak praises unto your name."
3. The early church and today's church often evidences this baptism with the supernatural gift of tongues. Most people have the freedom to began speaking in tongues immediately following their baptism in the Spirit. Acts 2:2-4 says, "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
4. If you are leading someone into the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you want to encourage them to begin speaking in tongues and worshipping God by speaking in tongues with them. It often gives them courage to release there own gift from Jesus.
5. God often transfers giftings through the laying on of hands. I have taught Christian workers to lay hands on those receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
6. The gift of tongues has often been different languages of the world. We have witnessed people speaking in a language they have never learned with others in the room knowing that language. The interpretation is always one of exalting Jesus and praising God.
I cannot over emphasize the importance of being "Holy Spirit" empowered for ministry. The gifts of the Spirit are always given for effective witness. Jesus used the "word of knolwedge" with the woman at the well. He used the "gifts of healings" to bring people into the kingdom. Remember Jesus never performed any miracles until He was empowered by the Holy Spirit at His baptism. He is our example for all ministry.
How to lead people into the baptism of the Holy Spirit (3 min video)
How to heal the sick - Evangelism Toolbox
1. Healing operates in an atmosphere of "Faith". "Jesus seeing their faith said to the man, rise and be healed, your sins are forgiven you." I always ask people before I pray for them, "Do you believe Jesus can heal you right now?" Jesus practiced this same principle with blind Bartemaeus. Jesus said, "What would you have me to do?" It was evident that he was blind, but Jesus was releasing this man's faith. "O, that I might receive my sight.." was Bartemaeus's answer.
2. Healing happens through their declaration of faith. I always have the sick person participate in their healing. I ask them first if they have faith for it and if they do, second I ask them to declare that faith.. have them repeat....."I receive my healing NOW in Jesus name... I AM HEALED!" Remember the power of life and death is in our tongues!
Speaking over that sickness in Jesus name has awesome power over disease. I believe we should also follow the biblical pattern of anointing with oil and laying on of hands.
Notes: Not all healing manifests immediately. Jesus prayed for a blind man and he didn't receive his full healing. He saw men walking as could not see clearly. But continued declaration and obedience of this man's faith brought him to total healing. If people don't see an immediate manifestation, don't let them be discouraged... just continue to confess and believe. God keeps His word.
3. God can also use doctors and natural means for healing like changing your diet, or discontinuing certain habits like smoking, drugs, etc. So don't discount a variety of ways God can heal people. But I love to see the miraculous hand of God through immediate supernatural touches of God's love in "signs and wonders". So join with me and have courage and pray for the sick to be healed!
How to Heal the Sick - Evangelism Toolbox
How To Cast out Demons... Evangelism Toolbox
Principle #1 - Demons operate only by their legal authority given to them by taking territory. First, they are territorial! Eph. 4:27 says, "Nor give place to the devil."
Remember, demons cannot operate in this natural world without a body or place to operate. They also know they are operating illegally.... so take authority!
Principle #2 - Demons operate by permission. Someone at sometime in their life have given demons permission to operate because of disobedience to God's word and commands. Also participation in the occult, witchcraft and other demonic activities can bring demon control. Practicing habitual sins with unrepentance can also give permission to demons to indwell our bodies, souls or minds. Demons simply observe our lives and enter when they witness a heart of unrepentance and rebellion. Also remember your "spirit man" can never be touched by demons. (see post spirit, soul and body)
So How do you cast out demons? Simple....
1. Take away their territory by bringing our bodies, souls and minds under the absolute ruler ship and blood of Christ through genuine repentance and confession. Demons know their legal rights over you and know when they lose them. Repentance LEGALLY closes the door to demons. Have the person pray this prayer... "Father, I confess and turn away from this sin, I yeild my body totally to your authority and control. I break every tie that I have had with demonic control in the name of Jesus."
2. Take away their permission by commands! Jesus never played mental games with demons, but simply commanded them to leave. Declare in Jesus name... "I command every demon to come out of this person. You have no legal right to remain. This person is now under the ruler ship and authority of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus against you demons! In Jesus mighty name be gone!"
True Discipleship - What is a true disciple?
What are the principles?
1. The only thing that gets saved is our spirit. "That which born of the Spirit is spirit and that which is born of the flesh is flesh". Our mind, soul and body do not get saved or born again when we receive Christ. We still have the same old lusts, habits and mindsets.
2. Our spirit man comes to life the moment you receive Christ and your spirit man is delcared complete in Christ, holy, acceptable and perfect in His presence (read all of Eph. chapter 1). God has now placed in your spirit man everything you will ever need to be fully conformed to the image of Christ. Your spirit man is now perfectly complete and completely holy.
3. You must learn to "Walk in the Spirit" and not in the flesh. Now your spirit man, empowered by the Holy Spirit, begins to SANCTIFY your body, soul and mind through daily renewal of your mind, submitting your body and conforming to His will. (read Romans 12:1 - 2). This is a lifelong process as you grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ daily. It is a slow, but powerful, transformation. (Read II Corinthains 3:18) Remember your soul is your mind, emotions, will, imagination & conscience. Your body is your five senses...sight, hearing, feeling, touching & tasting.
Please watch this powerful teaching for more details on how to become a true disciple through this revelation of spirit, soul and body.
3 minute introduction of true discipleship
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