Revelation 6 is the opening of the first six seals and is the start of what Jesus called in Matthew 24 the "beginning of sorrows". It is the initiation of the coming judgments on earth released by the riders of the four horsemen. The first horseman is the anti-christ who comes with a bow without arrows and on a white horse. The bow speaks of conquering peacefully. The bow was used for distance warfare and speaks of the far reaching power of this new world ruler. He rides on a white horse because he has always tried to appear like God. Satan's original sin was to exalt himself as God. His covenant with Israel is short lived as the second horseman is on a red horse ...war and bloodshed. Following war is always famine and that is the third horsemen on a black horse. A scale in his hand speaks of rationing and shortage. A whole days labor for just a loaf of bread. But the death rider cannot touch the oil and the wine. Oil is anointing and wine is communion. The tribulation church will practice daily communion as a covering of protection over their household...just as Israel covered the doorpost with blood when the death angel passed over in Egypt. The final rider is on a pale (dapher) horse. This is the color of death from war, famine, pestilence and beasts (small beasts, most likely rats or rodents). 1/4th of mankind will die during this season. That is almost 2 billion people. The anti-Christ will be exposed for what he is, a liar and deceiver. But this will also be a time of men crying out to God. They see the face of God in the sky of judgment and death and even pray for the rocks to fall on them. They say, "Who can hide from the face of God?" (Rev. 6) But God will allow this time of despair for the world to see their need of a true deliverer... Jesus Christ the Lion/Lamb of heaven. The greatest revival is about to break out on earth that has ever been seen. This will come in Revelation chapter 7! What part do we play? The church of Jesus Christ is going to be protected. Paul said, Sudden destruction would come upon the world. (IThess. 5:3-4) But not for the true believer. Paul also said that we are the children of light and that day will not overtake us as a theif! How can you prepare yourself and family for this coming season? Be wise and make sure you have stored provision of food and ability to get water from the atmosphere. These will be precious commodities. Some of our bible study group who are builders and in construction are talking about building "Kingdom Communities" with a red barn and granary and self contained organic small farms. The spirit of Joseph will be upon the church for provision just like God used him in Egypt to store up for the 7 years of famine. I believe the church, the bride of Christ, will have provision that will open the doors of evangelism. I invite you to subscribe to my youtube channel to keep updated on all future videos on both the book of Revelation and other related prophetic videos.
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