Thursday, February 20, 2020

You Have Authority to Release People from Sin.. ON EARTH!

One of the greatest truths I have learned in freeing other people from their past is the authority Jesus has given us.  Found in John 20:21-22 "And when Jesus had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.  If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."

I have been practicing this for many years.  It all started in a service that I held in Salem, Oregon.  I was standing behind a man in the service and when the leader told us to turn around and greet people, he turned to me. I could smell alcohol on his breath and on his body.  I knew he was an alcoholic if he smelled on Sunday morning.  Then I told him, "After today sir, Jesus is telling me you will never take another drink of alcohol."  I went up to speak and the man ran out of the service. I think he was fearful that I would embarrass him. I felt condemned that I had chased him away.  But not known to me, he slipped back in the back of the auditorium.  When I gave the invitation, he came to the front.  I led him to Jesus and he repeated the sinners prayer.  Then I told him, "Jesus just told me to give you this message.  Your sins are forgiven.  Everything you have done before today, He has totally forgiven.  You are released from your past sins".  He burst into tears with a loud groan. He fell to his knees and began to weep.  For quite awhile he knelt there until there was literally a puddle of tears.  Then he got up and told me, "All my condemnation that led me to drink is gone!"  I went back 8 months later to hold another School of Evangelism in that city and who is sitting in the front row? The man set free 8 months earlier.  He then told me, "I have never taken another drink after Jesus freed me that day you prayed with me."  Let's practice this great authority ON EARTH!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Right Declaration - God is not "With Us", but "In Us"!

Everything Changed at the Cross of Christ!  Jesus Himself said in John 14:17 "The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be IN YOU."  The Holy Spirit was with the disciples because Jesus was with them and He was filled with the Spirit without measure.  But Jesus here announced that the Holy Spirit would be "IN THEM".  To be with us is an Old Testament truth.  The Spirit came and went at will in the O. T.  It came upon men like king Saul, Samson and others.  But this is not true in the New Testament!  We are "Sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise" according to Ephesians 1:13.  This means Christ is now dwelling in us by the power of the Spirit.  "Christ in me, my hope of glory" wrote Paul the apostle. This qualifies us to be the fullness of Christ now on earth.  You His body, the "fullness of Him who fills all in all."  Ephesians 1:23

Why is this truth so important?  Because the indwelling Christ provides all the glory, authority and presence you need to "Reign now in life" now.  This revelation opens up a whole world of both possibilities and realities.  Why does so many worship songs invite God's presence down?  Because these song writers don't have the revelation.  When did the Holy Spirit leave that we need to invite Him back?  But many are beginning to get it.  This will transform the church.  Now we can declare the great "I am's" of the Bible. I am Crucified with Christ, I am buried with Christ, I am risen with Christ, I am seated with Christ and now I reign with Christ!  How powerful is that.  Please read my book on this revelation.  I am believing that it will bring transformation to the 21st century church.  Please watch this very short video, it will help you understand this revelation.

                                    Christ "In Me" not "With Me" - Important

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Praying Though the Tabernacle - Makes your prayer life come alive!

Praying through the Tabernacle has greatly increased my prayer time and effectiveness.  Stopping at each piece of furniture as representative of Christ is both exciting and powerful.  I would strongly encourage you to try this great approach.  The Tabernacle of the Wilderness is a type of Christ and beautiful pictures of Christ emerge.  Enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise.  Stop by the brazen altar and celebrate the power of His shed blood. Go next to the laver and see your reflection in the polished bronze.  See who you are in Christ.  You are crucified with Him, buried with Him, risen with Him, seated with Him and now reigning with Him.  Then through the  5 pillars of grace into the holy place.  To your left is the Menorah.  A picture of the light that the Holy Spirit brings to our lives. Jesus is also the light of the world.  Across from the Menorah is the table of shew bread.  The word of God.  Perhaps now is the time to pray through a psalm or part of scripture. Then finally you are at the entrance of the Holy of Holies.  Here is the altar of incense.  The typically the incense altar is for intercession of the saints.  Here you can intercede for your family, your church, your nation, the poor and needy and any other burden you may have.  Praying through the tabernacle has been enjoyable and greatly expanded my prayer life.  Here is a very recent teaching I did on this:  Please take a few minutes and enjoy this fresh revelation.  You can find more great videos on my Youtube channel.