Saturday, April 20, 2013

Christian Businessmen in Ministry

All businessmen and women are in full-time ministry.  If you know Christ your first calling is to walk with Him.  The only way to be in part time ministry, is to be a part time Christian. Perhaps we need to redefine ministry.  Ephesians 4:11 does designate the 5-fold ministry gifts of  "apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists".  But their ministry is to equip the saints (that's business people) "to do the work of the ministry"! (Ephesians 4:12) We have let religion dictate to us what ministry calling is.  As a child, I always heard about going into full-time ministry which meant being a pastor, evangelist or missionary.  This distinction never seemed right to me.  My uncle's Ray, Harry and my dad were all farmers, but every one of them preached at the German brotherhood meetings on an almost weekly basis. This German brotherhood came out of our family history from settling as farmers along the Russian Vulga river basin during the German depression in the 1800's. When they migrated to America, they brought with them the brotherhood which they called a lay movement. But to me, they seemed just as called as pastor Sauer of our German Congregational Church.  Now I understand that I was right as a child.  It is important that we teach farmers, sales people, lawyers, or any other profession, that they have an anointed calling on their lives. As business people they have the opportunity to fully support their own ministry!  In fact, they are more in the marketplace of opportunity to reach the world than most pastors. We need to teach the business people about their calling, gifts and power to change the world.  Tony Dungy ministered in our church a couple of weeks ago.  His influence for Christ is felt all through the NFL.  His platform is as strong as any pastor of any size church in America.  Thank God for people of influence that take their calling seriously.  But really every business person has the same calling.

                                                 Anointing for Ministry in Business

Monday, April 15, 2013

Grace by Faith

Grace offers us everything Christ has done for us that is already completed and deposited to our account.  Faith appropriates all that grace provides.  This truth can transform your life!  Stop praying to Christ for things He has already done! We constantly insult His grace!  He has already given you total salvation, total healing, total provision with abundance in every area of your life.  But you must access it through faith.  You have "the faith of God" and have dwelling in your spirit His resident power to heal the sick, raise the dead and bring hope through His word to all around you. But unbelief in your mind and body (feelings) can block everything He has provided by grace!  His salvation "Has appeared to all men", but they have not received it! Just because it's provided, does not mean you receive it. This is where your religious traditions bring unbelief. You have been taught that you must work to get God's attention and deserve His provision. You must fast, pray and beg for God to heal you when He has already done it for you.  This lie has caused more people to live in sickness, poverty, oppression and despair. Understanding grace without appropriating it by faith can kill you. Another lie is, "I don't deserve it, so why would He give it to me?"  Your right, you don't deserve it.. that's why it is totally unmerited favor from God alone. His grace is not dependent on your performance. You may believe that He has already provided your total healing, but your mind (thoughts) and body (feeling sick) can totally keep your faith from releasing it.  So how do you experience your healing, deliverance, salvation and provision?  Through God's word!  "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God".  Romans 10:1 7 When the word of God becomes more real than your sickness ... you will be healed by faith.   For those that are out of balance with their faith.  Just confessing whatever you want does not mean you have it or will get it.  Here is the key... you can only appropriate by faith what has already been provided by Christ and His finished work....nothing else.  God isn't going to give you the numbers to win the lottery... Christ's blood did not provided for that. Plus it would be illegal.. and God does not break the law! To understand your great provision in Christ, you must go to His word.. read it and believe it.  What are some of the declarations in HIS WORD that are provided for you?

1. Salvation.. "For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves."  Eph. 2:8   
2. Healing  "He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses."  Matthew 8:16 
3. Deliverance "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed".  John 8:36 
4. The mind of Christ. "But we have the mind of Christ." I Corinthians 2:16 
5. Kingdom Business provision "God is able to make all grace abound, that have all sufficiency in everything, you might have abundance for every good work."  II Corinthians 9:8

 I could go on for pages and show you Christ's provision by grace. But this will be an exciting discovery for YOU! Take God's word and ask Him to show you what you already have by GRACE deposited into your account by the blood of Christ!  Than receive it  & release it by FAITH.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Kingdom Aviation

God continues to expand our vision to take nations for His glory.  We have opened Kingdom Aviation as an arm of Kingdom Life University for our flight school.  Students are already responding and signing up for our aviation program.  We will also provide in addition to the KLU flight program, aircraft sales.  We believe God is taking the marketplace with kingdom businesses that glorify Him.  Bill Peterseim and I went to pick up our first aircraft, a Cessna 177B, in Indianapolis, Indiana that will be used for traveling around the Florida area to minister as well as for pilot advanced training.  We continue to work through the Tampa North flight school for initial training for private pilots license.  We know aviation has played a vital role in world missions. I personally have had two cousins that have flown with JARS and Wycliff mission programs respectively. We also believe raising up commercial aviation pilots that have a solid biblical education along with their pilot training will help us provide mission oriented business people that can travel free to mission fields and help us expand our vision to the nations.  I have also owned 5 aircraft over my lifetime of ministry of almost 50 years.   To find out more about KINGDOM AVIATION, just go to our web site.  To God be the glory for the things He has done.  The donations for the aircraft came through our Christmas mailing and requests to help us launch our KLU flight program.