One of the most compelling moments in Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" was when Jesus falls under the weight of the cross in the arched hallway leading to Calvary. His mother runs to assist him and the scene of His childhood reflects back to the time when Jesus was a child and His mother rescued him after a fall and held Him in her arms. This tender moment goes back to Christ with blood streaming down His face and the crown of thorns buried deeply into his brow. Jesus looks through His suffering into Mary's face and says, "Mother, I make all things new". This is the essence of earth's restoration and reformation. The power of the blood of Jesus bringing deliverance and healing to a broken world. Jesus Christ is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He brought to earth the power, as a man, to suffer for every sin and sickness and bring complete payment for our condition. When He said, "It is finished" He declared liberation for our lost souls bound by anything that has come against us. He satisfied the holy and righteous demands of the law. His suffering provided payment for every disease and "By His stripes I am healed". He buries our sins in the depths of the sea and He and the Father remember them no more!
This single act in history releases the full potential of earth's renewal, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Through His resurrection and ascension He SAT DOWN at the right hand of the Father. This place of powerful authority now gives Him the right to liberate earth's curse through His glorious bride empowered by His Spirit. In essence, the earth is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God... that's us! We His bride carry His authority on earth and we are empowered to transfer heaven's authority to earth. Casting out demons, praying for the sick, raising the dead and bringing people into saving knowledge of Christ is our privilege. How does this affect kingdom business today? Walking in your own personal freedom brings freedom to everyone around you. Your liberation spirit transfers to others and they began to experience what you have by the same faith. You lead them to Christ. You demonstrate how it works. They watch you experience the work of His grace in your life and they are changed by the same Spirit of Christ.
This is one of the most profound spiritual truths you will ever read. It is the key to understanding spiritual growth, your standing in Christ, and how to live victoriously. The lack of understanding the spirit, soul and body has brought defeat and discouragement to most Christians. The ONLY THING THAT GET'S SAVED AND PERFECTED at salvation is your spirit. Your soul, which is your emotions, mind, will, imagination and conscience, and your body, which are your 5 senses only becomes SANCTIFIED through your walking in the SPIRIT after you are saved. You are only made a new creation in your spirit! Jesus said, "That which is born of the Spirit is spirit, and that which is born of the flesh is flesh." in John chapter 3. The flesh and body are still the same as they were before you found Christ. That is why your soul and body still have the same issues after you are saved. If you smoked and did drugs before salvation, your body will still crave them until the power of deliverance comes through the Spirit in your spirit by the blood and name of Christ. Paul said, "They that walk in the Spirit will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh". He never said your flesh would stop desiring the same old things. But now that Christ dwells in your spirit by faith, you have the potential to overcome all things! The key is learning to "walk in the Spirit". For me, praying in the Spirit daily really helps tune me in to the Holy Spirit's voice. (that is praying in tongues as well as with understanding like Paul the apostle). Reading the word of God tunes me into the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God and reveals them to my spirit through the Word of God! Fellowshipping with others who "walk in the Spirit" and talking about spiritual things helps me tune into the Holy Spirit's voice. Paul also said, "I die daily". What does that mean. Paul learned to "Recon himself crucified with Christ, buried with Christ, risen with Christ, seated with Christ and now reigning with Christ" by the power of the Holy Spirit! (please go to my teaching on the book of Romans chapters 5-7) By walking in the Spirit, you diminish the effect that your soul and body have on you. They become obedient to the voice of God and eventually every "thought is brought into captivity to Christ", as Paul said.
We are seeing a season of economic false security. Stock market is surging again, and economic growth seems on the horizon. My wife Mariana and I just went to the movie "The Miracle" about the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004. Christmas was being celebrated by families from all over the world in one of the most beautiful places. Little did they know their lives would be forever changed within hours. One wave carried death to 250,000. People who were on the upper floors of beach hotels survived and some took amazing pictures and videos. The coming economic survival will not strike us by surprise. At the bottom of the ocean of finance we can already see the earth tremble. America has borrowed beyond our ability to repay. Europe is financially struggling to survive in many countries. The "Arab Spring" which began in hope has now been largely taken over the radical Muslim brotherhood in Egypt. Many say Egypt sets the pace for the Muslim world. We can continue to play on the ocean of false security or run for higher ground. I don't speak these things to bring fear or negative confessions, but to prepare the Kingdom Business Community of believers
for transference of wealth. This will happen in times of great turmoil by those prepared. I feel an urgency in my spirit, by the Holy Spirit. What shall we do?
1. Commit totally to the ruler ship of Christ and His kingdom. He will always show us "things to come" and warn and prepare us. But we must be in a position to "Hear His voice". That means abiding in Christ daily.
2. Get debt free as soon as possible. Exit out of the Babylonian system that will collapse in a day according to Rev. 18:10 "standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon (world economic system), that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.’
3. Establish "Kingdom Communities" that will not only have their needs met, but will be a major provider for much of the world. Such as "Eco cities" & "Kingdom farm communities" built around organic farming, debt free housing, and united effort of supporting one another.
4. Pray. Only prayer can manage the kingdom on earth and allow God to bring forth "His will". He is not willing that any should perish, not only spiritually, but physically, emotionally and mentally.
5. Rest in the Lord. God clearly commands us to be "Anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made know to God" Philippian 4:6
Kingdom son and daughters.. let's not be taken by surprise. God has clearly given us wisdom and warnings to prepare.